Support Our Work

We have an amazing group of friendly and empathetic volunteers who help us run sessions at Pepper's. Our volunteers help in many ways, for example, at events, on fundraising stalls, they may assist with marketing and they listen to and chat with members. Take a look below at the volunteer opportunites available.

If you'd like to make a donation to support our work, we'd be incredibly greatful. We run solely on donations and grants. Please follow the link below to make a donation through PayPal or send us a message directly to discuss.


Make a difference this year by supporting Pepper’s.

The past couple of years have been a roller coaster for us all with many experiencing mental health challenges for the first time and for many with ongoing conditions they have been locked-down and lonely for months, struggling with constant uncertainty, their support networks disappearing.

Your donation however big or small will help us in our efforts to support the mental health and wellness of our community. We will be able to provide activities, such as Tai Chi and cookery classes, maintain our premises on the High Street, help people re-connect and get back into society.

We continue to get more referrals for those requiring our services and have expanded our opening hours to accommodate this ever growing need.

Every Donation Counts.

To make a donation please click on the link below and select your preferred payment method.

"Coming to Pepper's is what keeps me going and helps me get through the week. "

£10 gets us art supplies for activities, £45 can provide a group therapeutic activity, £300 covers the cost of training a volunteer in Mental Health First Aid and enables our support lines to stay open and £700 means one of our premises can remain open and provide a safe place to our community for 1 month.


There are so many ways you can get involved at Pepper’s - A Safe Place.

You may still be struggling with mental illness or be someone who has recovered, be a carer of a friend or family member who is unwell, or just someone who wants to help those with difficulties… whoever you are, whatever your background, you can all make a contribution.

The main role of our volunteers is to provide a listening and empathetic ear to our members. We are always looking for friendly people to join our team. If you could commit to a regular drop-in session, we'd love to hear from you.

If you feel you have additional skills that you'd like to bring to Pepper's, let us know

photography; music making; fundraising skills; arts and crafts; marketing.


You name it we could probably use it.


If you think you would like to make a contribution with your time, skill or care please contact Pepper’s - A Safe Place, or drop in at the centre for a chat.

We are currently looking for volunteers for our Tuesday and Thursday sessions, and new activities on various days, in Melton.

“I chose to volunteer with Pepper's as I felt it is a real asset to our community and much needed. I love the relaxed approach of drop-in sessions where members have a choice when to attend and which of the many activities they choose to take part in. There is a real family atmosphere where members feel safe, have fun and build new friendships, as a volunteer you feel part of that family too. I enjoy volunteering with Pepper's and am proud to be part of this very special place.”

Denise (Volunteer)