Our Services

Our drop-in sessions in Melton and Oakham are open to all adults, pop in for a free tea or coffee with great company. We also have a great range of activities on offer, many are listed below, but do follow our social media pages for further updates.

And if you'd like to check out our 'Guide to setting up a Mental Health Support Group', please click here.

Drop-in Sessions

Call in for a chat, a cup of coffee or tea and a biscuit. Become part of the community again, and make the centre your own safe place.

We have three weekly sessions in Oakham (2A High Street, Oakham, LE15 6AL)

Mondays 10am-12pm

Tuesdays 10:30-12:30

Thursdays 13:00-15:00

And two weekly drop-in sessions at Melton Mowbray (53 King Street, Melton Mowbray, LE13 1XB) 

Mondays 11:00-13:00 

Wednesdays 11:00-13:00

All adults (18+) welcome.

Activity Sessions

Taking part in an activity can be a great way to relieve stress, we have many different activities you can get involved with, keep checking back for updates  or follow us on social media (@peppers.asafeplace). All activities are free of charge.

Melton -

NEW - Chair Fitness

Accessible, low impact, fun exercises to help improve strength, flexibility and fitness. A range of seated exercises, suitable for all abilities.

Every two weeks on a Tuesday - the first dates in 2025 are Tuesday, 14th & 28th Jan, 11th & 25th Feb - 11:15am-12:15pm.


Join us at the Stockyard to help look after the market's planters.

Every two weeks on a Thursday, 1:30-2:30pm - 23rd January, 6th & 20th February, 6th & 20th March. Come to the Scalford Road entrance, gate two, LE13 1JY and we will be there!

Music and Drumming

Join us at music and drumming sessions every two weeks on a Tuesday, 11:15am-12:15pm - 4th & 18th February, 4th & 18th March.

Chair Yoga

A gentle seated yoga class, suitable for all abilities. We’ll practise gentle movement, connect with our breath and take time to relax in a supportive and friendly environment. Every two weeks on a Tuesday, 3:15-4:15pm - 4th & 18th February, 4th & 18th March.

Mindfulness and Meditation

These sessions run every Monday from 1-2pm.

Come along and enjoy a peaceful hour to unwind and relax.

Tai Chi

These sessions run every Monday from 2:15-3:15pm.

Join us for a gentle tai chi session, and enjoy the benefits of mindful exercise. Beginners very welcome! 

Craft Cafe 

Our craft sessions take place every Tuesday from 12.30-2.30pm.

Join us and learn some new creative skills.

Art Workshop

This runs every Thursday morning from 10:30am-12:30pm.

Take part and get creative!

Knitting Group

This runs every Friday from 10.00am-12:00pm.

Beginners and experienced knitters alike are welcome to join us! Learn to knit, bring your own ongoing projects, and chat whilst enjoying the simple pleasures of wool, knitting, a cuppa and good company!


All of our Oakham sessions are open to drop-ins.

Craft Cafe

This runs every Wednesday 2-4 pm

You are welcome to bring your own craft supplies, use ours or take part in the weekly, free workshops.

Mindful Tai Chi/ Qi Gong

Join us for 1 hour of gentle Tai Chi/ Qi Gong

A free, friendly and relaxing class, helping you to de-stress and keep active.

Thursday 9th January @11:00

Thursday 23rd January @11:00

Thursday 6th February @11:00

Thursday 27th February @11:00

Wellbeing Garden

Join us for an afternoon of gardening (outside/inside- weather dependant) with plenty of biscuits and cuppas. A free, welcoming and laid back afternoon, surrounded by nature (running for 2 hours).

 14th January 12.30-13.30 

Mindfulness and Meditation

8th January @ 10.30

15th January @ 10.30

22nd January @ 10.30

29th January @ 10.30

Enjoy a peaceful hour to unwind and relax.